Businesses large and small, and in all industries, are at some risk of litigation. Even when risk management efforts are given adequate attention, a certain degree of risk exposure is unavoidable. Business law varies in significant ways between different jurisdictions, and so businesses that don’t carefully read and follow the laws in their regions of operation open themselves to tremendous liability. Additionally, even when businesses do follow all applicable laws, 21st century business ethics standards demand that companies do more. Public opinions on the social and environmental responsibilities of businesses have changed in a drastic way over the last few decades, and these changes demand that firms adopt aggressive programs to become good stewards for the environments and communities in which they operate. These challenges can be difficult even for the largest and most powerful corporations, and so they’re even more daunting for small business owners and operators.
Our Orlando Business Expert Witnesses have respected credentials and years of experience in all of the areas of liability that typical businesses might encounter. Additionally, many of our experts also work as business consultants in the Orlando area, so we understand the intricacies of common areas of business liabilities, including employment, marketing and advertising, finance and accounting, transportation and logistics, intellectual property, franchise and licensing issues, and general negligence.
Our Orlando Business Expert Witnesses have extensive experience in the following litigation areas:
Our firm also partners with litigation support specialists with expertise in business risk management. Click here to learn more.
Our firm partners with a number of credentialed hotel & hospitality experts with vast experience in a variety of different industries. Click here to learn more.
Dr. Gary Deel holds nine college degrees, including a Juris Doctorate in Law and a PhD in Hospitality Administration. He is bar-licensed and has held a number of certifications in hospitality and human resources. Dr. Deel spent more than ten years in leadership industry positions including security, risk management, sales, training, and other areas. Dr. Deel also has ten years experience teaching as a university professor. He has taught courses in business, hospitality, law, sales, communications, and other areas.